Monday 12 May 2014

5 tips if you're running the Electric Run

A few weekends ago I took part in the Electric Run for my sister Beth's birthday, a fun 5km run in London where you're encouraged to run and rave at the same time - my kind of exercise!

I loved it and it was so much fun, so if you're planning on taking part in an Electric Run, here are some tips to help you get the very most out of it:

1. Pick up your pack EARLY
For some reason, the fee you pay to join in the run doesn't include postage of the pack which includes a wristband, LED glasses and a t-shirt - fun! The downside? You have to queue for two hours before the run to pick up your pack unless you go to one of the pick up points a few days before the run. Again, the queues are massive there but at least you then get to go straight into the run when you arrive. So if you can, pick up your pack in advance!

2. The t-shirts come up small. Like, REALLY SMALL 
I pre-ordered a ladies t-shirt in large (on account of the boobs...) and when I went to put it on I got scared I was going to be suffocated. There is NO WAY that was a large. Luckily we did a little swapsies between us and I ended up in a men's medium t-shirt. I've never felt sexier.

3. Dress up
You might think you've got the fancy dress nailed down, you might have a wig, face paints and crazy socks but you haven't seen anything yet. Everyone really put their all into it and went crazy for anything neon, UV and I don't think there was a single tutu left in the London area by the looks of things. Go for it, you won't feel stupid - if anything you'll look stupid if you dress like you're taking it seriously.

4. Bring drinks
Because we queued for tow hours to collect our packs, we ended up getting straight in the queue and we were one of the last groups over the start line. No one checks your bag for anything so we could have got anything through. We had our own water which was fine and there's one water stop on the course so you should be fine but if you're after a little naughty water (vodka) then get it packed :)

5. Think about your footwear
The run is mostly on a road or pavement, so if you're planning on running the whole way then definitely consider decent footwear to avoid a stress fracture (do I sound like I know what I'm talking about or what?)

Look how much fun it was!

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