Monday, 15 August 2011

Zebras, Dogs, Cats and Bouquets

Hewo! The evenings are getting darker quicker and earlier and I sure don't like it. It makes me want to curl up in my zebra suit and not exercise and want to eat bad things...

 uh oh. It's a Pop Tart.

So...the boy and I have taken it upon ourselves to shoo the couch potato away and go and play tennis once a week. Once a week is all we can do or we'd divorce very quickly, you see I didn't realise but it turns out that I am a BAD LOSER. I wouldn't say I'm competitive (is that how you spell that?) but I sure as hell don't like losing. Today we've been to play after work - I even sported a head band I was so into it...and I threw the racket down on the court which is now bent out of shape. Ooopsie!

It was actually all Josh's fault because he kept playing prison rules and either whacking the ball straight AT ME or hitting it right at the edge of the court so there was no way I could get it, without the elastic band arms of Mr. Tickle, or is it Mr. Silly...? And yes I know it's a game but my point was that I wanted to learn and wouldn't be able to learn if he just WHACKS IT!

Anyway the score in the end was about 56-0 to him when we called it a day as my language was too bad for the children around in the park, it's really echoey there.

So, I've rationed myself 3 segments of a Terry's Chocolate Orange bar and I'm making it last as long as possible right now. Don't want it to end...they were 3 for £1 in the local shop which I thought was an excellent offer, saving myself at least 60p on chocolate that I didn't even need.

In other news, last weekend was spent zooming around the country doing a Family Tour. We managed to hit Leicester, then Thatcham, then Chaddleworth for some BBQ and family pub fun...

See I told you it was fun! We managed to see an incredible 17 family members in one weekend and then visited my dear Nan's grave to put my artifical wedding bouquet down on her plot. I wanted to do that since the wedding, so it's a jolly good thing I chose artificial fleurs ain't it?

This weekend brings more family fun as the Dad's are coming to town! Josh's Dad, Jane, my Daddypops and Gill are coming to play! Yay! Drunken photos to follow I'm sure. Terrible influences our Dad's, most of the time we don't even WANT to have a drink... :) tee heee

Things I'm excited about:
  • More Terry Choccie Segments
  • Olympics in the park on Thursday - drunken fun!
  • Facial booked to get me gleaming once more - looking a tad pasty at the moment...
  • Sushi for lunch tomorrow! I heart sushi!
  • Pub Quiz tomorrow - fingers crossed for a win.
  • Aunty Pam coming to visit!

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