Having popped to Barcelona for a weekend a few months ago, I loved how you could be sat in an airport freezing your socks off, then be sitting at a bar sipping sangria a few hours later! I felt so smug at work on Monday when my colleagues asked what I did at the weekend... they hate me.
Here's a few destinations I've got my eye on for a weekend break:
1. Paris
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I'd love to wander around the streets of Paris, stopping for a chocolat chaud or a macaroon or just to hear a man playing an accordion... I'm all out of stereotypes.
Naturally I would spend the entire weekend riding a bicycle wearing a stripey jumper with a beret atop my head.
2. Prague
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I know it's got a bit of a reputation now for lads and stags, but it's still a beautiful place and I'd love to visit on a cold winter and be all bundled up and popping in to warm bars (you're getting an idea of how I behave on weekend breaks...)
Plus, while the beer is super cheap I've GOT to get myself over there!
3. Iceland
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Best of all... I WANT TO SEE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS! I remember reading about them in a book when I was little and being so in awe of them. I was also in awe of the book as it was personalised about me and had my name in it and everything, I was Santa's helper!
So yeah, Iceland is on the list.
4. Cities and towns in Ireland
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Maybe I've watched too many chick flicks that involve road trips around Ireland, but I want to dance Irish jigs in bars and have the craic and listen to live music!
You won't catch me drinking Guinness though, I just cannot stomach it, it HATES me.
5. Dusseldorf