All I know is that a few nights in a row I've favoured Marian Keyes over changing my life - what have you got to say about that then? Read into that Mr. McKenna!
In other news, went to H&M tonight for the first time in MONTHS today with Rachel, excellent shopping partner! I wanted to look away when the total was bought up on the till but it wasn't as bad as I thought, plus the money made on eBay means I'm breaking even yes? I'm restocking!
Things I'm excited about tomorrow:
- It's Frrrrriiiiiiidayy!!
- Pork lollipops for dinner! (Sounds strange but lovely)
- Wearing something new that I got today - I just lurve that new clothes smell!!!!
- Spending some quality time with a capital QUA with Catty :) I've been a bad owner this week out all the time...we're going to play with ribbon!
- Selling more things on eBay!